
Hosted ByBigfoot/Dogman Encounters

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All Episodes

The River Ouse & the Secrets it Holds. Shadowed by the Unseen. Sheep Taken and Killed by an Unknown Predator_

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As you know here at BBR we look into the phenomena ordinary people are faced with everyday. We try to help them share their experience amongst friends and people who will understand how they feel. The cases that come in range from Cryptid or…

Bigfoot, Reptoids, UFO and a whole host of strange Events

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Join while I am interviewed for Revelation Radio. I join Jana Greasley and Christine Hart as we chat about some of my stranger reports that I have taken over the years. I speak about early childhood experiences, which happen to ordinary people…

Locals Fear A Sheep Stripped to the Bone Was Killed by a ‘Big Cat’ after Dog Walkers Spot A ‘Panther’

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For over a 100 years now reports of Big Cats sometimes referred to as Alien Big Cats have come in to newspapers and Police stations all across the UK. All the while our govt chooses to deny they exist. Big cats such as Panthers and Puma are capable of…

Did They See The Rivington Pike Werewolf_ Witness Interview and Sighting Reports

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The Beast of Winter Hill. Oct 20. Sheep Killed, a 3 Toed Print & a Rumbling Growling Creature.

Two men out Rabbiting See a set of Reddish Eyes watching them in their torch light and they Hear a Terrible Growl. The men stumbled up a fresh kill and…

A Fascination with Dogman. Alan Betteridge. Strange goings on at Cannock Chase. PT 2

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One mans experience trying to find the cryptid creatures known as Dogmen. Snouted canine cryptids that can run at speeds that keep up with your car. With snarling teeth, these creatures of the night are a horror to behold
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A Fascination with Dogman. Alan Betteridge a Witness to strange goings on at Cannock Chase Prt 1

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“Hi Deb, I am interested in the subjects you raise and in 2019 I had an experience at Cannock chase that has puzzled me for the last year or so. So I went back this weekend and again we had some very strange things happen whilst we were camping there”…

A Humanoid Figure in the Mist – Culbin The Forest of Ghosts

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To see the images –

Some of the strange finds in the area and a few images of the light anomalies….

Deborah is Interviewed by Ben Emlyn Jones about Bigfoot Sightings in the UK.

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Is there a Bigfoot like Creature roaming the British Isles? Tonight I am interviewed by the well known Podcaster and a man of many talents Mr Ben Emlyn Jones. We discuss the frequently asked questions that always crop up when the Bigfoot subject is…

A Man From Alberta Canada Sees a Sasquatch Battling a Moose

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A Man From Alberta Canada Sees a Sasquatch Battling a Moose and One Man sees a Creature with Fingers the size of a Red Bull can. Two Sasquatch reports from the Slave Lake area of Alberta Canada. The first report is from my very good friend Randy, who…

The Chippewa Valley Curse, Dogmen & Hellhounds. It was Crouched at the side of the road

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The forgotten ghost town of Meridean sits on the Chippewa River west of Eau Claire. Not only is the area thought to be haunted by the siren-like ghost of Mary Dean, it also seems like a favorite prowling grounds for hellhounds. According to local…

Creek Devil – With Will Jevning and Deborah Hatswell. Join, Deb, Tom & Will.

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Tonight I join Tom & Will Jevning the renowned Cryptozologist for a chat about Bigfoot, Sasquatch Creatures and the Witnesses who see them. We look at how not much has changed since the 1970’s, witnesses are still not believed even to this day….

Is There a Serial Pusher in Manchester_ Don’t Walk in the Tunnel of Doom

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Called the Devil’s Urinal by the locals The Manchester Ship Canal has claimed the bodies of thousands. In a 15 yr period over 90 men have been pulled from the deadly waterway. Are these crimes connected? Or are they coincidences?

In one year 16 men…

Invisible Predators and Unseen Beings. There were Footprints ‘Appearing’ in the Snow

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This encounter took place near a village called Paull, which is several miles northeast of the city of Hull, it is rural and on the coast, so it is pretty desolate at night. The year was 2002/03. “As we watched in silence “It” slowly emerged from the…

We Witnessed Dog Men, Werewolves, Shucks and Wolf Headed Men. part 2

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Two years ago I wrote my first book titled “The Fortunate Unfortunates, People who Witness Paranormal Creatures”. Some may find this a strange title, but if you’re like me and you have seen things that would terrify others, it’s really weird when…

We Witnessed Dog Men, Werewolves, Shucks and Wolf Headed Men. part 1

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Two years ago I wrote my first book titled “The Fortunate Unfortunates, People who Witness Paranormal Creatures”. Some may find this a strange title, but if you’re like me and you have seen things that would terrify others, it’s really weird when…

Lancashire Nightmare Creatures. I felt I was being Hunted that Night

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Lancashire is the County I was born in. It’s a place I hold close to my heart. I grew up hearing stories of Jenny Greenteeth, Boggarts and Nut nans. Strange creatures that inhabit the woodlands and scare off any folk who may be passing by. Their…

An Interview with a Witness who experienced The Unseen Growler of Appuldurcombe House

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I was contacted by a Gentleman named Matt who lives on the Isle of White, he has had numerous strange experiences since being a very young child. One experience at Appuldurcombe House on the Isle of White stands out to me as it mentions many typical…

An Interview with a Witness To an Unknown ‘Being’ – I saw a Forward Facing Eye Watching me

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I started to visit Colwick Country Park and Some of the Areas around there back in 2018. I found lots of interesting structures around this area, hence my interest. I was on the South side bank of what is called Colwick Hall Pool, which is next to the…

Are Humans Being Abducted and Implanted?

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I just remember being at the bottom of the hill near Stanfield road. Then it was almost like I was placed on my back at the side of a small dam. As I was coming back around, I noticed I could hear dogs from one side of the hill barking all across the…

A Snarling, Growling, Terrible Thing Inside the house and Unseen Stalkers.

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What do you think would be the most horrorfying, seeing what’s stalking you, or just hearing it. It’s one thing to see what predator is after you, whether that be a beast or a being of some kind, but to be herded by something unseen, that walks as you…