Lizard People: Comedy and Conspiracy Theories

Hosted ByLizard People

What if the government actually did cover something up in Roswell? What if yetis exist and are just really shy? What if super-intelligent lizards are wearing human skin suits, influencing international affairs and recording podcasts? Conspiracy theories are cool because they appeal to our evolved logical human brains and our stupid mammal idiot brains. So join comedian and skeptic Katelyn Hempstead as her brilliant friends try to convince her of these and many other conspiracy theories.

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All Episodes

The Black Dahlia Murder with Joey Bergren and Justin Sherman

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The Black Dahlia killing captivated a nation and freaked out LA real bad. Elizabeth Short’s murder is still technically unsolved, but Joey Bergren and Justin Sherman think they just might have found the guy. All with the help of that guy’s son! In…

Trump Is A Russian Asset with Betsy Stover

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This darn president. Some people love hate him, some people love him, but pretty much everyone can agree that he wishes he could ride a horse shirtless with Vladimir Putin. But is Trump’s close relationship with Russia more than it seems? Are those…

Tupac Is Alive In Cuba with Cara Meyers

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If only Tupac has lived to today. The brilliant rapper, writer, actor, and activist was killed in a Las Vegas shooting in 1996, depriving the world of a whole bunch of great music and poetry and smartness. But there are some who believe that we…

Who Is Poppy? with Max Lasser

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She’s a pop star. She’s a model. She’s a nihilist YouTube influencer. She’s a robot. She’s… the product of a manipulative narcissistic madman? Y’all who the HECK is Poppy? Comedian and podcaster Max Lasser stopped by to try to get to the…

Roko’s Basilisk with Lee Rubenstein

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Ready to get your brain squished up and shoved through a pasta press? Because this episode is gonna cook your noodle. Lee Rubenstein, writer and teacher and very smart dude, is here to explain the theory of Roko’s Basilisk. A basilisk, obvs, is a…

Britney Spears Is Trapped with Rachel Chapman

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Conspiracy theories surround Britney Jean Spears like flies around an empty frappucino cup. Was she in league with the Bush Administration? Is she actually a clone? Can she even sing??! And most poignant, is she trapped in an endless childlike limbo…

Birds Aren’t Real with Kyle Kenyon

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Do you believe in birds? Well then you, my friend, are a chump. See Kyle Kenyon knows something that The Powers That Be don’t want you to know, something that might just lead to the greatest cover-up in history. He knows that birds are actually…

Jesus Was Invented By The Romans with Steve Hernandez

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Now picture this – you’re a 1st century Roman emperor with a restless populace to control. Sects of jews were fighting each other and the empire. How are you gonna chill out Rome’s Judean subjects without killing everybody? Well if you’re smart,…

The Hum with Rebecca and Jason

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Have you heard The Hum? If you live in Taos, Bristol, Los Feliz, or Auckland, perhaps The Hum has become part of your life. Perhaps The Hum has even… driven you mad! This week we deal with the spooky phenomenon that’s irritating folks all over the…

Jimmy Buffett Won The World Series For The Red Sox with Patrick McDonald and Ryan Middledorf

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The Buffett Boys are in town, and nothing will ever be the same again! The delightful hosts of The Parrothead Podcast came on the podcast to try to convince us all that Jimmy Buffett is so incredibly powerful that he was able to break the Bambino’s…

Dennis Rodman Is A Spy In North Korea with Agata and Anastasia

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In 2013, Vice News brought a documentary crew, three Harlem Globetrotters, and Dennis ‘The Worm’ Rodman to North Korea. What happened there… changed the world forever. Or maybe it didn’t? Regardless, delightful comedians and hosts of the…

The Pixar Theory with Ashlyn Anstee

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Our guest this week is fan favorite (and creator of the Lizard People logo!) Ashlyn Anstee. Ashlyn is an animator and she knows some truly fascinating secrets about the secret world of animation. But one secret in particular fascinated her so much…

Boys On The Tracks with Cory Webster

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You hear about the teenage boys who died mysteriously on train tracks and the series of shady deaths that knocked off three alleged witnesses? WELL YOU’RE ABOUT TO! Improviser and soothing-voiced comedian Cory Webster stopped by to tell the…

The Mork And Mindy Plot with Michael Dean

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Michael Dean is BACK and he’s been watching sitcoms from the 80’s, baby! Friend of the show (and inventor of the term Hemphead Nation) has a theory about the sitcom that launched young Robin Williams to superstardom and helped cement bland…

Nazis Were Aliens with Area 51

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What do you add when you’re ready to upgrade a podcast? Booze and an audience. And we had both at Lizard People’s first ever live show! Plus our guests were the amazing improv team Area 51 (Sarah Claspell, Dickie Copeland, and Jessica Jean…

Drake’s Kid Is Actually Kanye’s with Nick Casalini

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The Kardashians are back baby! Are they eclipsing Bey and Jay to become the first family of conspiracy theories? Also, does Drake suck? All these questions and more will be answered on this extremely gossip-y episode of Lizard People.

Sega Killed Michael Jackson with Todd McClintock

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The list of suspects in the death of pop star Michael Jackson grows ever longer. Soon it might even include… you??? Nah just playing. Todd McClintock is back on the podcast and he has an explosive theory about who might really be behind the slaying…

Aliens Are Interdimensional Future Humans with Cody Ziglar

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What’s the deal with aliens? Folks have close encounters with them all the time, but they always look different and want different things and won’t fess up about whether they’re just angels or not. Aliens are a mystery! But Cody Ziglar, podcast…

Music is Brainwashing Us with Jessica McKenna

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Ever get an ear worm stick in your head? One of those tunes you just can’t stop singing? Ever think that maybe there’s a terrifying ominous conspiracy behind it involving the Catholic Church and every great composer of classical music and also the…

Khloe Kardashian Is OJ’s Daughter with Carl Tart

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Can you even imagine a story that combines swingers, head injuries, America’s first family of scandal, tragic murder, and the ultimate baby daddy drama?! If you can’t you’re in luck, because comedy genius and podcast darling Carl Tart is here to…