Lizard People: Comedy and Conspiracy Theories

Hosted ByLizard People

What if the government actually did cover something up in Roswell? What if yetis exist and are just really shy? What if super-intelligent lizards are wearing human skin suits, influencing international affairs and recording podcasts? Conspiracy theories are cool because they appeal to our evolved logical human brains and our stupid mammal idiot brains. So join comedian and skeptic Katelyn Hempstead as her brilliant friends try to convince her of these and many other conspiracy theories.

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The Great Angel Sex Cover-Up With Yaki Margulies

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If the title didn’t get you excited, honey, what will? Comedian and semi-professional bar mitzvah tutor Yaki Margulies is here to present a wholly original, you heard it here first type of theory about the Bible. Namely, that all those gorgeous angels…

The Sea People with AJ Salas

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History is full of mysteries. But there may be no mystery as mysterious as the Sea People. These anonymous nautical raiders hit the Egyptian empire hard and terrorized the ancient Mediterranean for decades, destroying entire civilizations in the…

Adam Sandler Scam with Jessica Svendsgaard

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Sandler? More like SCAM-DLER. Eh, we’ll workshop that. Anyway this week we talk with improviser and true delight Jessica Svendsgaard about the great Adam Sandler caper. See, there’s a theory floating around Hollywood that Sandler’s production company…

There Is No New York Marathon with Will Hines

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And we’re back! Ever heard of the New York Marathon? You know, the world’s largest marathon that covers all five boroughs of the city and attracts 100K applicants every year? Well guess what chump, you’ve been had! Our guest this time around is…


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We’re back! Well, almost. Next week will be our first full episode back in the swing of things after a quick summer break, but this week we’re doing a mini-episode to get back into the groove. Ever heard of a little something called the 27 Club? What…

The Bermuda Triangle with Hollow Public Radio

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The gang’s all here! The founders of Hollow Public Radio (aka Alexis, Michael, and Grant) stopped by to talk about one of geography’s greatest mysteries – The Bermuda Triangle. What could be behind the disappearance of hundreds of ships and planes and…

Ed Edwards Killed Everybody with Matt Newell

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Ed Edwards was a real weiner who killed at least 5 people in the Midwest. But could he also be responsible for pretty much every other murder that happened in America between 1960 and 2000?? Matt Newell thinks he just might be. The writer/comedian is…

The Kennedys Killed Marilyn Monroe with Chase McCown

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Well happy birthday Mr. President to us all. This week the delightful old-Hollywood expert Chase McCown stopped by to talk about a golden age conspiracy theory. Marilyn Monroe died of an overdose of various pills at the age of 36, right when her…

The New Orleans Hornets and the 2012 Draft with Zander Frost

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What is going ON with the NBA??? Basketball conspiracies abound, and this week we’re talking to comedian Zander Frost about how the league may have rigged the 2012 draft. See in 2012 the then-Hornets were in a precarious position what with their owner…

H.R. Giger And The Illuminati with Matt Gourley (Revisited)

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Hey everybody! No new ep this week due to various goofs, spoofs, and Katelyn being a doof. But for your aural pleasure, here’s an old episode that is an absolute delight from top to bottom. Matt Gourley stopped by to talk about Giger’s connection with…

Natalie Wood’s Murder with Jimmy Fay

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Ever hear the one about Natalie Wood? You know, how she was a brilliant actor and beloved mother and died under mysterious circumstances??? Jimmy Fay is back on the ‘cast and she’s got a theory about how Natalie Wood really died. A theory that is both…

Kanye Is Doing Performance Art with Zora Bikangaga and Greg Smith

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Time to pull out the ol What If machine, because the fellas of improv group Dopetown 3000 have a theory that will potentiall change how you think about your entire life. The theory? What if Kanye West’s conservative pivot and erratic behavior are part…

The Cuban Embassy Plot with Mel Cowan

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In 2016, a group of American diplomats at the US embassy in Cuba got sick. Weird sick. Many reported dizziness, memory loss, headaches, hearing problems, and more. But what happened to these intrepid civil servants? And could their sickness be tied to…

A Star Is Born Takes Place In An Alternate Universe Where 9/11 Never Happened with Cait Raft

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Look, the title of this episode kind of says it all. Cait Raft is a brilliant writer and comedian and she has a personal theory that Bradley Cooper’s version of the film A Star Is Born doesn’t actually take place in our universe. Her theory is a real…

Men in Black with Dave Child

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Well, Dave Child is back. And this time he’s bringing with him some theories on what might really be going on with the Men In Black. If you think you know MIB from the films starring the entertainment industry’s most charming man Will Smith, think…

Jesus’ Stolen Body with Holly Laurent and Greg Hess

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Ok so did you know that after Jesus was resurrected he allegedly stayed on earth for another MONTH? Just HANGING OUT??! The last days of our buddy Jesus Christ are truly shocking when you get down to the nitty gritty. But the theories about what might…

Michael Jordan’s Dad with James Mastraieni

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You might have heard somewhere about Michael Jordan’s gambling habit. Boy oh boy, did it get habitual for a while there. But there’s someone we don’t talk about when we talk about MJ’s golf wagers, and that’s his papa James Jordan. Because some people…

Ace of Base is a Nazi Band with Adam Tod Brown

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Have you seen the sign? Do you know all that she wants? Do you live in a happy nation? That’s right, this week we’re taking a deep dive into the reggae-euro-pop band Ace of Base. Specifically, Ace of Base’s secret neo-Nazi agenda. Adam Tod Brown joins…

PETA Is a Sham with Brona C. Titley and Tom Neenan

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It’s our live London show! And the conspiracies are as thick as the smoke was in Victorian times or something. That was a thing right? Anyway our guests are the delightful and hilarious Brona and Tom, and they’re bringing that classic British heat…

Bigfoot Was Indigenous Cryptozoology with Jana Schmieding

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The elusive Sasquatch has entranced a nation with it’s grainy videos and big ol’ footprints. But where did Bigfoot come from? Are there multiple Bigfeet? And if the Bigfeet have always been with us, what did the people who lived here before European…