Lizard People: Comedy and Conspiracy Theories

Hosted ByLizard People

What if the government actually did cover something up in Roswell? What if yetis exist and are just really shy? What if super-intelligent lizards are wearing human skin suits, influencing international affairs and recording podcasts? Conspiracy theories are cool because they appeal to our evolved logical human brains and our stupid mammal idiot brains. So join comedian and skeptic Katelyn Hempstead as her brilliant friends try to convince her of these and many other conspiracy theories.

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Finland Doesn’t Exist with Beth May

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Finland! It’s the wacky Scandi country we all know and love. But whatever you think you know about Finland, throw it out the window like a package of rotten lingonberries. Because the country? It doesn’t exist. This week, Beth May stops by Lizard…

Beyoncé is Solange’s Mother with Oscar Montoya

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Beyoncé is art, Solange is an artist. Beyoncé is the sun, Solange is the moon. Beyoncé is… the mommy and Solange is her kid??? There are almost as many conspiracy theories pertaining to Beyoncé as there are for The Jews, prob because people are…

The Secret Technology Gap with Geoff Ross

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Geoff Ross has a theory. A theory so explosive, so stunning, and so well researched, that it might just make you freak out so hard you quit modern life completely and go live in the woods and like chop wood or whatever. Geoff thinks that the state of…

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes’ Five Year Contract with Rebecca Leib

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Hunky action star meets starlet on the rise. Romantic photo ops are closely followed by a whoopsie baby and a way too extra engagement story. Then there’s something about a purification course and a silent birth and Oprah’s couch gets ruined?…

The Homunculus with Andy Kneis

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Andy Kneis is back, and he’s been watching the YouTubes! This week we tackle the controversial experiments of a Russian YouTuber who has allegedly created a real life homunculus. What’s a homunculus? So glad you asked!! It’s the process of…

Large Hadron Collider Or Shiva’s Stargate? with Kelly Nugent

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Kelly Nugent is a podcast host (Teen Creeps, Hellmouthy), a nerd stuff afficionado (tabletop, Twitch) and a very funny person. But DID YOU KNOW that she is also one of the few people in the world who knows the truth about CERN?

Michael Jordan’s Gambling Scandal with David Zwick

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You might know Michael Jordan from the timeless film Space Jam, his hilarious Hanes commercials, or from playing hella good basketball. But if you’re part of a select group, you might remember Michael Jordan from the high stakes world of sports…

The World Ended In 2000 with Grant Pardee

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What if (and hear us out here) all those Y2K hysterics and Mayan calendar makers and apocalypse-predicting conspiracy theorists were right all along? What if 2000 (or 2001 or 2012) actually were the end of the world? What if all this bummer shit…

Bitcoin Was Created By a Rogue AI with Sam Balter (Weird Work Podcast)

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Bitcoin is one of the great mysteries of the internet age. Who exactly created it? Where is it going? How did it blow up so fast? What the fudge is a blockchain and why don’t I have one? The delightful Sam Balter (of the equally delightful podcast…

Lyme Disease Is Biological Warfare with Alie Ward

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Lyme disease blows. It hurts, its scary, it comes from a rude ass bug sucking on your blood. But could it be more than that? Could it be… a government superweapon accidentally leaked into the population from a creepy Nazi lab in Connecticut! Alie…

Elon Musk Is An Alien with Geoff Kaufman and Thayer Frechette

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Ah, the enigmatic Elon Musk. Inventor, businessman, stunt-puller… alien? There’s a theory floating around the internet that Elon is not what he seems – that he may in fact be a higher being from another world who’s infiltrated our own to bring…

Area 51 Is A Smokescreen with Winston Carter

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Every morning, unmarked planes take off from McCarran International Airport, bound for Air Forces bases all around Nevada. Every evening they return. Where do they go in between? Winston Carter knows where. The mysterious planes, the lights in the sky…

The Moon Is a Hollow Satellite with Matt McCarthy

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What’s the moon’s deal, honestly? We’re supposed to believe it just floats up there effecting the tides and whatnot? Yeah right. Our guest this week – the extremely funny and opinionated Matt McCarthy – knows the shocking truth about what the…

Genealogy Sites Are Stealing DNA Information with Dani Rosenberg

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‘Just swipe your cheek and spit into a jar and we’ll tell you all about your ancestors’ they said. ‘We’ll sequence your DNA, it’ll be fun’ they said. But what aren’t ~they~ telling you??? The extremely talented and funny…

Flat Earth with Ben Dietzel

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The earth is flat. This is a fallacy believed by human beings throughout time, and without reason. And yet for all the things that make no goddamn sense about flat Earth theory, people persist in insisting that it is a disc, that gravity is fake, and…

Melania’s Body Double with Lindsay Stidham

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Stalin. Putin. Saddam Hussein. Melania Trump. What do these three public figures have in common? They’re all rumored to use body doubles! The controversy over Melania’s possible impersonators started in October of 2017 with video of her looking…

Parallel Universes with Michael Gardner

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Sometimes Lizard People can be pretty wacky. But sometimes we just want to settle down, chill out, and talk about what really separates quantum mechanics from religion when you get right down to it. Michael Gardner stopped by LP HQ to discuss parallel…

The Mob Killed JFK with Mary Sasson

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Who shot JFK? If you think it was Lee Harvey Oswald, the dude hiding in a book dispensary with a big ass rifle, you truly are a chump. This week we address the conspiracy theory that president John F Kennedy’s killers were, in fact, a buncha…

The Cecil Hotel Cover-Up with Heather Anne Campbell

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What blends true crime, paranormal activity, the Great Depression, adultery, murder, Hollywood glamour, and unsolvable mystical mysteries? What’s that you say? You already read the episode title and you know we’re talking about the Cecil Hotel?…

The Simpsons Are A Black Family with Lorraine DeGraffenreidt

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Lorraine DeGraffenreidt stopped by to present all the evidence for the Simpsons in fact being an African-American family. Sound crazy? Just you wait.