Lizard People: Comedy and Conspiracy Theories

Hosted ByLizard People

What if the government actually did cover something up in Roswell? What if yetis exist and are just really shy? What if super-intelligent lizards are wearing human skin suits, influencing international affairs and recording podcasts? Conspiracy theories are cool because they appeal to our evolved logical human brains and our stupid mammal idiot brains. So join comedian and skeptic Katelyn Hempstead as her brilliant friends try to convince her of these and many other conspiracy theories.

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Andy Kaufman’s Death with Lindsay Stidham

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Comedian and director and writer and all around boss ass bitch Lindsay Stidham is on the show this week, and she’s here to talk about a conspiracy theory surrounding one of the comedy greats. Andy Kaufman died in 1984 of complications…

Simulation Theory with Joe Quint

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Joe Quint came on the podcast to share a dangerous theory. A theory so powerful, it could undermine the very nature of existence. What if, like, The Matrix is totally real? But it’s, like, scientists? Woah. This is the brainiest…

Beyonce and the Illuminati with Olivia Duncan

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Ok ladies, now let’s talk about the Illuminati. Where did it come from? Why is it still relevant? Why are we so afraid of powerful black artists and culture-creators that we need to make up stories about them being satanists? Writer and…

Ted Cruz is the Zodiac Killer with Michael Dean

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The Zodiac Killer is one of the great unsolved mysteries of American law enforcement. The string of deaths in northern California remains impossible to resolve, and the man who murdered as many as 37 people remains at large. OR DOES…

Princess Diana with Jamie Di Spirito

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She was a tragic beauty, the first true royal celebrity, snatched away by a mysterious accident before her time. The world is still mourning Diana, even though Kate is arguably better at wearing nice dresses and waving. Join our guest Jamie Di…

OJ Simpson with Nicole Jeans

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1st question: Did you watch The People vs OJ Simpson? 2nd question: HOW MUCH DO YOU LOVE SARAH PAULSON? For our guest on this week’s episode, the answers are ‘yes’ and ‘very much’. Nicole Jeans, social media impresario and comedic powerhouse, brings…

Area 51 with Ian Hamilton

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The conspiracy that launched a thousand 90’s TV shows is finally making an appearance. Area 51 was it the home of a downed spaceship, an experimental research facility, or just an airport with an adorable name? Ian Hamilton, brilliant writer and…

Katy and JonBenét with Nina Concepción

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Hot celebrity gossip. Dating in LA. Hysterical giggling. This episode has it all! Comedian and writer and model co-worker Nina Concepción came on the show to discuss the very popular and very insane theory that Katy Perry is secretly…

The Moon Landing with Evan Ponter

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This one’s a doozy. The rumor that the moon landing was faked is slightly older than the actual moon landing. But why would America bother to film a fake landing, and how did they fake zero gravity, and also why would they pick Kubrick when his movies…

DB Cooper with Colton Stickney

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Imagine, if you will, the most dashing criminal of the mid-20th century. A man with a well-pressed suit and a way with stewardesses, a man who wears sunglasses indoors. DB Cooper was only sort of that guy. Colton Stickney, comedian and friend, brings…

Incandescent Lightbulbs with Jessica Christian

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Are you a person that gets upset when the new IOS blows up your phone just before the new iPhone 9sxsw comes out? This episode is for you. Hilarious person Jessica Christian tells the surprisingly fascinating story of the creation of the lightbulb,…

Elvis with Todd McClintock

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Consider this: during Elvis’ alleged funeral, there were a bunch of helicopters flying around. HELICOPTERS!! In this episode, comedian and writer Todd McClintock makes the case that Elvis did not in fact die in 1977, but went undercover as singer and…

Bigfoot with Ashlyn Anstee

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Sure, you’ve never seen a Bigfoot. But have you ever not NOT seen a Bigfoot? Think about it! In this episode, we delve in to the weird universal appeal of big, hairy, human-like creatures. Call ’em yeti, sasquatch, or the Slim Jim dude, there’s…