Lizard People: Comedy and Conspiracy Theories

Hosted ByLizard People

What if the government actually did cover something up in Roswell? What if yetis exist and are just really shy? What if super-intelligent lizards are wearing human skin suits, influencing international affairs and recording podcasts? Conspiracy theories are cool because they appeal to our evolved logical human brains and our stupid mammal idiot brains. So join comedian and skeptic Katelyn Hempstead as her brilliant friends try to convince her of these and many other conspiracy theories.

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All Episodes

We’re Taking A Summer Break!

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Hey buddies! We’re taking a little summer break, and we should be back some time in September. Meanwhile here are some recommendations on other podcasts to tide you over. HAGS!

Tommy Wiseau is an Alien with Babs Gray

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Quick! Go watch The Room and then get back to us. Not the Brie Larson one, the other one. Ok now doesn’t it seem like that movie was probably made by an alien with no ideas of how human beings actually behave? The hilarious podcast host and stand-up…

Jay-Z is Nicki Minaj with Angela Gulner

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Have you ever slowed a Nicki Minaj song way down and listened to the vocals? No? That’s ok, why would you. But someone did, and that gave birth to a conspiracy theory so strange, so confusing, so thrilling, that we simply had to cover it. Some people…

The Casting Mask with Todd McClintock

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There’s a lot of coronavirus conspiracy theories floating around. But this has to be the most… specific. Confirmed fan fave Todd McClintock is back in the Lizard Lair and he’s got a theory about why we’re all taking selfies in our homemade masks….

Disney’s Fascist Stormtrooper Plot with Dahlya Glick

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Isn’t it weird how Star Wars bad guys have become so popular? How little kids dress up as Nazi allegories for Halloween? Well if you’re like our funny and thoughtful guest Dahlya Glick, you think there’s something more nefarious going on than just…

Project Blue Beam with Betsy Sodaro

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What do NASA, the UN, holograms, the Antichrist, alien invasions, the Rapture, and a loopy French Canadian have in common? They’re all part of one of the most delightfully bonkers conspiracy theories ever made. This week we’re talking about Project…

No New Ep This Week

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People have called conspiracy theorists crazy for thinking that sinister forces within the American government would flout the laws of the land and use violence to put down a democratic movement for change. Well, uh, sorry guys. This week has been…

The Donner Party Wasn’t That Hungry with Lauren Passell

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Have you heard about the Donner Party? The intrepid pioneers who took a terrible shortcut in the 1860’s and ended up snowed under in the Sierra Nevadas and then they ate each other? Well FORGET what you know, because it’s all wrong! Maybe. Mostly….

Astrology is Real with Cam and KarenLee Poter

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Prepare yourself and gird your loins, this is probably the most fun mother-son conspiracy theory podcast episode ever made. KarenLee and Cam from the show Sex Talk With My Mom stopped by the Lizard Lair (virtually) to explain how astrology is 100%…

The CIA Created The Crack Epidemic with Cody Ziglar

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We’re finally covering one of the core American conspiracy theories, and oh boy is it complicated! Some folks think that back in the 80’s and 90’s, the CIA took a quick pause from overthrowing democratically elected governments all over the world to…

Robert Downey Jr Is A Gossip Column Hero with Eliza Skinner

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Hollywood’s full of gross creeps. But it’s also full of principled people who take a stand and push those creeps out of the business. And according to unbelievably funny comedian and writer Eliza Skinner, one of those heroes just might be Robert…

New York Is An Actor with Jesse and Julian

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Jesse and Julian are back! And they are outraged! The guys thing that reality tv star Tiffany Pollard (aka New York, aka the girl who loved to throw hands on Flavor of Love) is a phony. And what’s more, they think her ‘mom’ Sister Patterson might be a…

Mini-Episode: True Government Conspiracies

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Ooops sorry, Katelyn didn’t book a guest for this week! Which means it’s time for a good old fashioned solo mini-ep! This week Katelyn did a bunch of research on actual government conspiracies that have been labeled ‘conspiracy theories’ but turned…

Shakespeare Wrote The Bible with Tom Neenan

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Welcome to an extremely classy episode of Lizard People. Multi-hypenate super talented British friend of the show Tom Neenan is back, with a literary conspiracy theory that’ll knock your socks off. Easter is nigh, and so is Passover, and some of you…

Coronavirus Conspiracies

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It’s a family-only episode this week, as Katelyn and Alexis talk Covid conspiracies! There’s a whole lot of dumb stuff going around on the internet about how the disease got made, what cures it, and who’s behind it. And it’s all mostly wrong. Because…

Melania is KGB with Jon Gabrus

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Podcast sweetheart Jon Gabrus stopped by the Lizard Lair this week to drop a little truth on y’alls asses! Specifically some truth about Melania Trump, former model and current first lady of these great states. Gabrus thinks Melania just might be a…

Dan Rather and the Kennedy Assasination with Jason Van Glass

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You might think you know exactly what happened during the Kennedy assassination. Either because you read about it in 8th grade, or because you’ve heard the other Lizard People episodes about it. But trust us, Jason Van Glass has a whole new take on it…

The Alcatraz Escape with Micah Light

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The Rock! The Fortress! Titanic Island! Alcatraz has a spooky mystique all its own, and for many years it had a reputation for being an inescapable prison. But then some guys escaped. Or did they?!? Anthropologist Micah Light stopped by the Lizard…

The Government’s Honeybee Plot with Kelly and Lindsey

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Do you like FRUIT? What about VEGETABLES? And how about FOOD IN GENERAL? Well if you’re a fan of any of those things you probably owe them all to bees. The humble honeybee is the source of most of our pollinated food, but over the past few decades the…

The LA Streetcar Conspiracy with Jonathan Harris

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It’s Chinatown, Jake. Well actually it’s just the greater LA area and it’s not Jake it’s writer Jonathan Harris. BUT the basic premise is the same – a group of powerful people decided that they wanted to take over a public commodity for their own…