Lizard People: Comedy and Conspiracy Theories

Hosted ByLizard People

What if the government actually did cover something up in Roswell? What if yetis exist and are just really shy? What if super-intelligent lizards are wearing human skin suits, influencing international affairs and recording podcasts? Conspiracy theories are cool because they appeal to our evolved logical human brains and our stupid mammal idiot brains. So join comedian and skeptic Katelyn Hempstead as her brilliant friends try to convince her of these and many other conspiracy theories.

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All Episodes

Fran Theory Mini Ep. #5 – George Soros

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If you’re like us, you’re still waiting on your check for protesting from George Soros. What gives, Georgie? Turns ol Soros is at the heart of a lot of contemporary conspiracy theories, including the ones that paint Black Lives Matter as a violent…

Chemtrails and Contrails with Mike Lane

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Ooh wee, one of the big ones! Folks have been rehashing the chemtrails/contrails controversy since way back in the 90’s, and it seems like each new day brings a new Reddit subthread about it. But what exactly are chemtrails? And why do they keep…

The Digital Television Conspiracy with Sarah Claspell

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Did you know that at one point the US government was just giving out free TV’s? And did you know that Siri can totally hear what you’re saying at all times? Doesn’t that just wig you out??? For some of us, the answer is nah. But according to our…

Pet Microchips with Haley Hepworth

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You’re a good pet owner. You feed your fur baby (ew) the more expensive food, you make sure they get exercise and stimulation, you give them lots of nice pats, you microchip them. But what if that little piece of tech isn’t there to track your cat?…

Fran Theory Mini Ep. #4 – Sandy Was Dead, Grease Is A Dream

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When you make a weird ass movie, people are gonna come up with weird ass theories about it. And there’s one weird ass theory about the movie Grease that states that Sandy died before the action of the movie even starts, and the whole film is…

Pearl Harbor with Tiffany Reeves

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If you’re looking for the original day that will live in infamy, look no further! America was rocked by the Japanese attacks on Pearl Harbor on December 7th, 1941 and a lot of folks credit them as the reason the US entered WW2. And look, we’re for…

Skull And Bones and The 2004 Election with Edgar Momplaisir

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Do you believe that grassroots organizing can work and that people are inherently good? Well then you’re a freaking doingus. At least, so SOME people would have you believe! Our guest Edgar Momplaisir – ridiculously talented comedian, writer, and…

Fran Theory Mini Ep. #3 – Fidel Castro’s Many Conspiracy Theories

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It’s the return of the fran theory mini episode! And this one’s a five-fer. So Fidel Castro was a pretty bad dude. He started out a footloose and fancy free revolutionary, but then he ruthlessly suppressed freedom of speech and executed just so many…

Courtney Love Killed Kurt Cobain with Molly Fite

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Sex. Drugs. Rock n’ Roll. Mental Illness. Plaid. The Pacific Northwest. Misogyny. Vocal Fry. There is A LOT going on in this episode! Actor and comedian and puppeteer Molly Fite rolled through the Lizard’s Den to talk about the rumor that Courtney…

HH Holmes and Jack The Ripper with Jim Zimmerman

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It’s a steam punk episode! Actor and talented person Jim Zimmerman rolled through to talk about the crimes of the century. HH Holmes was the owner of the infamous Murder Castle in Chicago, and was responsible for the deaths of dozens of unfortunate…

The Wine Cork Conspiracy with Billy Merritt

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You might think you know what the deal is with corks, but trust. You’re about to have your little mind blown. Billy Merritt walks us through the connection between French wine, Portuguese corks, EU-hating terrorists, Long Island beef, and those…

Michael Hastings’ Death with Kerry O’Neill

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When BuzzFeed is the most reputable news source, and the government can do pretty much whatever it wants to private citizens, who can you trust? Kerry O’Neill, that’s who! The wildly talented writer and comedian and dog mom stopped by to tell us…

Fluoridated Water with Angela Gulner

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Industrial runoff. Atomic bomb test waste. Tap water. What do these all in common? THEY ALL CONTAIN WATER!!! Just kidding, they all have dreadful terrible fluoride in them. Fluoride is a controversial chemical with a shady past, and the hilarious…

Special End Of The Year Episode

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Can you believe this podcast is one year old? Feels like it’s barely been 11 months! All (hilarious) jokes aside, it’s been a pretty wild year. We’ve covered everything from yetis to Marisa Tomei to lightbulbs to the Illuminati to our Hollow Earth to…

Marisa Tomei’s Oscar with Patrick McDonald

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Okay, we gotta conspiracy theory ova heaaaaah! If you like bad Brooklyn accents and arguments about the importance of comedy in culture, this ep is for you baby. Patrick McDonald came on the podcast for a freewheelin’ conversation about classic…

Ferris Bueller Wasn’t Real with Clara Baker

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Ready for some truly dumb dad jokes? This wholesome episode tackles the theory that Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, classic 80’s teen film, is actually a dark portrait of a deeply disturbed young man who invents a cool imaginary friend with powers he can…

Predictive Programming with George Barber

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Some episodes of this podcast are silly. Some are thoughtful. And sometimes we have to just say to heck with conspiracy theories, it’s time for some good goddamn conversation. This one is that third one. The incredibly funny and borderline genius…

Conspiracy Conspiracies with Wave Segal

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Wave Segal is a very funny comedian and actor. He’s also a hardcore conspiracy theory nerd. And on this episode of Lizard People he presents the most meta, complex, shocking conspiracy theory of all – that there’s a conspiracy to spread conspiracy…

Sylvia Plath with Julia Meltzer

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Sylvia Plath was a poet, essayist, novelist, and very interesting person. Her work was luminous, and her suicide was notorious. But some people think that her husband (notorious asshole) Ted Hughes had more to do with her death than he ever admitted….

Hollow Earth with Ben Dietzel

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You might think that the earth is solid all the way through, with different layers like a delicious baklava. But what if the earth is in fact hollow, like a sphere made of poptarts that are frosted on both sides? All these desserts and more come in to…