#SpiritChat by Jennifer O’Neill

Hosted ByHawaii Psychic

“Where spiritual guidance and life strategies meet in a way that fits into your everyday life.” #SpiritChat Radio is a radio show offering spiritual mentorship to those who are interested in learning more about spiritual awareness.
Jennifer is your source for spiritual and practical advice bringing you her expertise live on the air. The focus is to simplify the process of using the spiritual tools and gifts you were born with in a way that fits into your everyday life. She has spent the last twenty years as a professional psychic and spiritual teacher helping people all over the world with their spiritual growth.
Website: https://empath-university.com/
Are you an Empath? Find out: https://www.empowered-empath.com/empath-quiz/

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All Episodes

7 Reasons to Develop Your Psychic Senses

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Psychic senses are often focused upon because of the “wow” factor. (Wow I can’t believe I knew that! Kind of thing…) But there’s SO much more to what your psych

7 Stages of Psychic Development

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Did you know that there are different stages when it comes to psychic development? And these stages play a very important role. They will determine how far you

11 Signs From Spirit

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Did you know there are some very “common” things that Spirits and Spirit Guides do to get your attention? You probably know what some of them are. In fact, most

What Are Akashic Records?

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Akashic records are a compilation of every human event, thought, word, emotion, and intent ever to have occurred in the past, present or future.

Spiritual Burnout

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Burnout…most everyone experiences it at least sometime in their life. Stress takes a toll and you collapse under the physical, or mental pressure, of overwhelm.

Eclipse Energy & Energy Waves

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Energy waves are dictated by many things. One of the most current waves we are experiencing is some very powerful energy from the eclipse, and let’s just say it

How To Deal With Negativity…As An Empath

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More people than ever before are beginning to crave spiritual growth. So they embark on a new spiritual journey. However, one thing that begins to trip them up

5 Common Money Blocks

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When it comes to manifesting money, and creating financial abundance, many people struggle with making enough money to help them live the life they truly desire

Physical Signs of Spiritual Enlightenment

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When you begin a journey to spiritual enlightenment, or embark on a spiritual awakening, many things begin to take place… physically as well as spiritually. The

Pet Communication

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Animals vibrations are raising faster than humans. How is this possible? Because they are never taught how to resist spiritual alignment like humans are. In fac

Finding Balance In The Spiritual World

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Balance implies things are easy, that you are not struggling against the Universe. In life it’s what we all strive and wish for, but in the spiritual world it’s

Becoming A Healer

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Do you have an urge to heal people? Do you feel deep down like you want to help others? Becoming a healer is a calling… but that calling can become a very confu

8 Stages Of A Spiritual Awakening

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Did you know there are actual stages that you will go through when you are spiritually awakening? These stages are very different from one another. And they usu

Soul Contracts

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I’m sure you’ve heard of Soul Mates, Twin Souls, Twin Flames, and even past life relationships. But have you ever heard of a Soul Contract? Well you should…beca

A New Consciousness Era

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Something is different. Everyone can feel it, some people talk about it, but they really don’t know what “it” is.

Are You An Empath?

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Have you ever wondered if you were an Empath? Or even wonder what being an Empath actually means? Well there’s a lot more to being an Empath than most people kn

Kids & Spirits

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Being an intuitive or psychic child is hard. Being the parent of an intuitive or psychic child can be confusing. Yet this is a very delicate subject and one tha

Are You Blocking Your Own Spiritual Alignment?

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Spiritually aligning yourself is actually easier than you think…as long as you follow one simple rule.

11 Signs You Are A Healer

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When you begin to develop your psychic senses and abilities, or expand your knowledge in the spiritual realm, it’s actually quite common for you to wonder, “Am

4 Red Flags You Are Being Scammed By A Healer

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There are a lot of healers, psychics, and metaphysical practitioners out there, and I mean A LOT! But just because someone “says” they can see things, hear thin