#SpiritChat by Jennifer O’Neill

Hosted ByHawaii Psychic

“Where spiritual guidance and life strategies meet in a way that fits into your everyday life.” #SpiritChat Radio is a radio show offering spiritual mentorship to those who are interested in learning more about spiritual awareness.
Jennifer is your source for spiritual and practical advice bringing you her expertise live on the air. The focus is to simplify the process of using the spiritual tools and gifts you were born with in a way that fits into your everyday life. She has spent the last twenty years as a professional psychic and spiritual teacher helping people all over the world with their spiritual growth.
Website: https://empath-university.com/
Are you an Empath? Find out: https://www.empowered-empath.com/empath-quiz/

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All Episodes

6 Things That Will Hinder Your Spiritual Growth

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Do you feel confused or like you are going in circles when it comes to your spiritual journey? Like you are going two steps forward and one step back…or two,

Defining Your Spiritual Goals

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If you don’t have a destination for your spiritual journey, many times it’s like wandering around without a map, and more often than not you will find yourself

The World Is Changing…

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The world is changing…everyone feels it, and it feels, well let’s face it, uncomfortable for many people.

6 Biggest Mistakes Spiritual Seekers Make

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Many spiritual seekers tend to make the same 6 mistakes over and over again. They are trying to find their way, and feel better, and feel enlightened, but they

How to Choose Rocks & Crystals

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The proper way to choose rocks and crystals is actually WAY simpler than you think. And the funny thing is you don’t need an book, or even need to read an artic

How To Avoid Spiritual Confusion

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There is a ton of spiritual information out there, and let’s face it, some of this information greatly contradicts each other. This can cause you to feel frust

8 Guardian Angel Signs

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Todays show is going to be about Angel signs, as well as how to tell the difference between your Guardian Angel and your Spirit Guide.

What Do Your Dreams Mean?

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Have you ever wondered, “What did that dream mean?” Translating your own dreams can be very frustrating and confusing.

Ringing In Ears & Spirit Activity

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A common question I receive is, “I have ringing in my ears…what does that mean?” Do you have ringing in your ears, or ever experience ringing in your ears? We

11 Signs You Are Spiritually Awakening

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I’m sure you’ve heard the term “Spiritual Awakening” before. Do you ever wonder what a spiritual awakening actually means or is? Do you ever wonder if your are

Empath Awareness & Living With Empath Abilities

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Do you ever wonder if you are an Empath? If you think you are an Empath, do you ever wonder if you will be able to “feel normal”? Or do things like everyone els

Cutting Cords & Energetic Relationships

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Have you ever heard of cutting cords? Have you ever wondered what energetic cords are? Have you ever heard of energetic relationships? Well in today’s show I’m

Understanding Your Past Lives

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People often wonder about their past lives… Who were they? Where did they live? Did they know some of the same people? Why did they come here?

What It Means To Raise Your Vibration

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So what is raising your vibration? It’s raising your energetic frequency to a state which is closer to the spiritual realm where you have access to connect in w

The Truth About Astral Travel

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Have you ever experienced sleep paralysis, bed shaking, seeing dark silhouettes while sleeping or “dreaming”?

Did Your Astrology Sign Change?

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Thanks to the media I’ve been getting this question daily, “Has my astrology sign changed?” People are very attached to their astrological signs, and why wouldn

When To Ground Yourself

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Grounding is VERY important when it comes to your psychic senses and psychic development.

Overcoming The Fear Of Psychic Development

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Many people do not pursue psychic development because they are afraid. Afraid of losing themselves…

Negative Entities Or Energies, Can They Harm Or Possess Me?

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Do you ever find yourself wondering can a spirit harm me? Can a spirit possess me if I learn to develop my psychic senses or abilities?

When Your Spiritual Body Awakens…

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Energy waves have been around for centuries, however, you are just more prone to notice them now more than ever before.