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Natalia & Peter Moore are investigating this case on behalf of BBR. They have travelled down to speak with Rich about his earlier experiences and the latest event that just happened at Cannock. Then they travelled to Cannock Chase and interviewed him in the area where he saw this strange morphing object. As with most witnesses this gentleman has had other strange events and witnessed UFO and crafts, spirit and had some supernatural experiences and he kindly spoke about these events during the interview.

Natalia and Dr Peter will continue their investigations at Cannock and are planning to meet up with some of the other experiencers who live close by.

Witness Report: Richard J- Cannock Chase, 21/11/19- “You mentioned in a Youtube comment that you would like me to share some of my experiences, I think I would like to start sharing now and see if anyone has had similar ones to me. I have have a plethora of experiences growing up as a child, into adulthood and even all the way up to present day.

Ive seen countless Ufos with friends and family even Iv caught one or two on camera, Ive seen strange sky anomalies through my telescope which I can’t explain because it’s not anything Ive seen in my personal research on space and various strange phenomena. Also I’ve got some accounts from family members who were witnesses to the Green man or The Woodwoose in the chase. I have also experienced strange shadow figures in the home.
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