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Pet Psychic Radio 9/13/13 * Well Adjusted Animals: Hosts Laura Stinchfield & Ai Kusuahara- Silver (Ai Ball).  We talk to a pit mix with body pain, a cat about why she only drinks out of the faucet, with special Guest Sharone Rosen.  Sharon is a chiropractor that works on animals.  Her website is: www.Sharonerosen.com/dogsncats.html. We talk with a German Shepherd puppy who threw up blood. Taisha the white cat tells her dad to stretch and walk more, and we end with Bunny Bean’s words of wisdom. Laura’s official website http://www.ThePetPsychic.com
Laura Stinchfield – Animal Communicator with show producer Ai Kusuhara will interview interesting animals and their people.
Laura will also open up the lines for listeners to call in to ask questions to their animals. 
Be prepared to be enlightened, amazed, to laugh and maybe cry as you are opened up to the inner lives, thoughts, and feelings of the world’s animals.
Laura Stinchfields official website is http://www.ThePetPsychic.com