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On this episode of Pet Psychic Radio: Christmas Eve with farm animals. Madeline the corgi mix from tells her person from heaven that is ok to get another dog and why.  Laura talks about how she receives our pet thoughts in words.  Robin Budin of Dogs Deserve BetterDogsDeserveBetter.org and RainbowRescues.org joins us with rescued chained dog Reeba the golden retriever and friends.  We find out why Junior the terrier mix is grumpy at night.  Marshmallow the Arabian mare says her heart feels at rest at her new forever home.  We laugh as Blue the Boston Terrier shares how he loves to practice stay and complains about how he cant get into his toy basket.  Yoyo the cat explains why he meows and circles at night.  We welcome Seamore Laura’s parrot for Words of Wisdom.
Laura Stinchfield – Animal Communicator with show producer Ai Kusuhara will interview interesting animals and their people.
Laura will also open up the lines for listeners to call in to ask questions to their animals. 
Be prepared to be enlightened, amazed, to laugh and maybe cry as you are opened up to the inner lives, thoughts, and feelings of the world’s animals.
Laura Stinchfields official website is http://www.ThePetPsychic.com