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On this edition of Dunes Cantina, we go all over the place, from recent theater watches to various conspiracy theories. Respect the speculation and don’t hate the players, just question the game.

Seth Harris
Seth’s Alkahest: https://open.spotify.com/show/1Bd7VUPdGWIvKyFaBR9lZj
That’s Effin Weird: https://open.spotify.com/show/0RRksZXxsziDhFJjyDQUeh?si=eSI7vPGbTgi2nQ3tCheeiQ&nd=1

Handle With Scare: https://open.spotify.com/show/0EdX5Ip6iDOi9bFF2vKQNd

Cody-Co: https://www.bandlab.com/codyco_

Special Guests: Cody Israel , Kristin The NYC Mom, Madame Wyrd, and Seth Harris.