#360: Cody Taylor — Living Your New Normal, From Drummer to Ultrarunner

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This week we are chatting with Ultrarunner Cody Taylor!!

I had the absolute joy of getting to know Cody through running and camping across the Atacama desert a few weeks ago.

Through his 20s Cody spent his time touring across the US and Canada drumming in rock shows and now has used that same passion and stoke level to take on ultra running!

In this episode, we chat all about his time drumming in bands and how he uses some of that same “drummer energy” to pursue long endurance challenges. Cody also explains why he started “New Normal” and how him and his wife are on a mission to help people transform their lives for the better.

This is an awesome episode!! I hope you all enjoy!


New Normal: https://findyournewnormal.ca

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/codytaylorruns/

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@codytaylorruns