#337: Candice Burt 5 — 200 Ultras in 200 Days, The Story of This Epic Challenge

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On November 5th today’s guest Candice Burt stepped outside her door and began putting one foot in front of the other for 32 miles. The next day she did it again. And again. And again. On and on and on for TWO HUNDRED straight days!!

Through this challenge she faced every challenge imaginable- extreme cold, snow, thunderstorms, 100 plus degrees, pretty much every type of weather out there. More challenging, she battled her own mind- staying positive and emotionally neutral as she faced not only pain but the monotony of the day in day out grind.

This episode is all about what she went through over the 200 days of 200 ultras and the strategies she used to stay consistent as she kept pushing the goal post farther and farther down the line.

This is an AWESOME EPISODE and I am truly honored to be able to chat to Candice again for the show! She is one of my favorite guests of all time!!



Website: https://www.candiceburt.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/runcandicerun/

Wall Street Journal Article: https://www.wsj.com/sports/candice-burt-ultra-marathon-200-days-7dab983b