#262: Terry Miller — Uncovering the Strength It Takes to Finish the Hardrock 100

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Imagine going after a Hardrock entry for nearly a decade before finally getting your shot. How deep would you be willing to dig for something you’ve been working towards for years? What would you learn by pushing yourself to your absolute limits in your relentless pursuit of the finish line?

That’s the story of this week’s guest Terry Miller! With 12 minutes and 17 seconds to spare Terry was the last person who was able to cross the finish line and kiss the rock at this year’s race through the rugged San Juan Mountains. The race was all at once a dream come true and the most difficult event he had ever endured.

In this episode Terry shares his incredible story of the race along with some tales from 14ers (which he’s climbed all of) and some reflections on dad mode.

Hope you guys enjoy the episode!! Terry is quite the incredible human being!


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/terrysrunning

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/terrysrunning/

Appearance on the Do Big Things Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/91-last-man-standing-at-the-2021-hardrock-100-terry-miller/id1501356857?i=1000530132864


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