#217: Tim Barr — Never Summer 100K, Trail Running All Over Colorado

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This week we are talking with an awesome Colorado ultrarunner Tim Barr!!

Tim and I have been running trails together every Wednesday this summer and from personal experience of huffing and puffing to keep up I have to say that he is an absolute beast of a runner. He also had himself a wonderful summer of adventures, exploring some of the best trails Colorado has to offer while training for 62 stunning miles at the Never Summer 100k.

In this episode we talk all sorts of ultrarunning!! Gut checks, sobbing uncontrollably, compression sock blackouts, mid-race SNLesque pep talks full of curse words, warm porch beers, the unwavering determination to finish no matter the obstacles, and more!

Tim is really inspiring to me and it has been an honor to experience his training over the last few months. Hope you guys enjoy the episode and pickup all sorts of nuggets of endurance wisdom!!


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bstokd/?hl=en

“Champion’s Mind” Book: https://www.amazon.com/Champions-Mind-Great-Athletes-Thrive/dp/1623365627

“Mind Gym” Book: https://www.amazon.com/Mind-Gym-Athletes-Guide-Excellence/dp/0071395970


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