#207: Kirstie Ennis — Tackling the Seven Summits On One Leg

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Kirstie Ennis is a complete badass.

A marine sergeant injured in Afghanistan in a helicopter crash eventually resulting in an above the knee amputation, Kirstie is an absolute all-around mountain athlete who is seeking to climb the 7 summits- the tallest mountain on each continent.

In a podcast focused on driven, inspiring people, Kirstie stands out. In 2019 she won an ESPY for the Pat Tillman Service Award, she’s competed in the Paralympics for snowboarding, walked 1,000 miles across England (which we didn’t even get into!), has been a stuntwoman in various Hollywood productions, and so much more.

More importantly she uses her platform and story to inspire everyone, from fellow amputees to mountaineers to people seeking their best selves.

In this episode we chat all about her journey and focus in on her attempts at the seven summits. How a trip up Kilimanjaro galvanized this project, the craziness involved in summiting Carstenzs (Oceana’s highest point), and why calling it two hundred meters from the top of Everest was a wise albeit difficult decision to make.

Hope you guys enjoy the show!! Kirstie is awesome and I’m honored to get an opportunity to share her adventures!!


Kirstie Ennis Foundation: https://kirstieennisfoundation.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kirstie_ennis/?hl=en

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kirstieennis2

Twitter: https://twitter.com/KirstieEnnis

Jocko Podcast: https://jockopodcast.com/2019/10/21/199-pain-makes-you-better-with-kirstie-ennis/


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