#194: Gavan Hennigan — Rowing Solo Across the Atlantic, Winning the Iditarod Trail Invitational

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This week we are chatting with Irish Adventurer Gavan Hennigan all about his life as an adventurer! Get ready because this is an absolutely AMAZING episode of the show!!

Gavan has spent his adult life diving head first into adventure. Having traveled around the world for work as a deep sea saturation diver (which is fascinating), he has taken on everything from climbing Himalayan peaks to running across a frozen Siberian lake in the winter to rowing across the Atlantic Ocean by himself to, most recently, winning the Iditarod Trail Invitational!

In this episode we get to hear all sorts of adventure tales from these expeditions and dive fully into how Gavan’s mindset has evolved because of them. This is a person who has had some very unique life experiences and I am so very grateful to be able to listen to his stories and lessons and be able to share them with you guys!

Hope you enjoy the show as much as I did!! Thank you so much Gavan and best of luck on everything that you plan to take on in the future!


Website: https://www.gavanhennigan.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/soulogav/

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