#180: Danny “Oreo” 2– More Tales from the Pacific Crest Trail, The Call to Adventure

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This week we are welcoming back Danny, trail name “Oreo”, to the podcast to share more stories from her hike of the Pacific Crest Trail!

Last time we chatted a couple weeks after she finished the trail and this time she is about 6 months removed from the biggest hiking adventure of her life. We get into some honest discussions about the Post Trail Blues (which I think could be called the “I-just-achieved-a-ginormous-goal-and-now-I-have-to-adjust-to-regular-life” blues).

In this episode Danny shares some potential future plans before diving in to her readjustment to off-trail life. We also talk about why the trail life beckons, how she plans on answering adventures call, and how she has been applying all her hard earned lessons post-trail. She also shares more AWESOME stories from her time on the PCT including the time she battled through the desert to a McDonalds only to have a snake block her way (a brutal obstacle only a true thru-hiker could appreciate ha ha!)

Thanks for tuning in!! I always have a blast hearing about thru-hiking and am very excited for Danny’s future adventures!!


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/oreo_on_the_road/?hl=en

Previous Episode: https://soundcloud.com/chris-ward-126531464/165-danny-oreo

The Trek Articles: https://thetrek.co/author/daniela-drees/


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