#173: Clark Beckham — American Idol to Marine Corps Marathon, Success through Determination

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This week we welcome American Idol finalist, first time marathoner and future ultra marathoner Clark Beckham to the show!!

I recently met Clark at the finish of the Marine Corps Marathon. Sitting there in my own state of pure exhaustion, I was re-energized by the brief synopsis of Clark’s marathon journey- 6 months earlier he was 30 pounds heavier listening to David Goggins’ book “Can’t Hurt Me” when he pulled his car over and signed up for his very first race. He set a lofty goal of a 3:45 marathon and trained like crazy day after day after day before ultimately getting it done. He also had the added pressure of singing the anthem to 30,000 racers, marines, and spectators before the starting gun went off!

Clark’s tale is unique and I’m super happy to get the opportunity to sit down and chat with him about it. A solid mindset of perseverance, determination, and the ability to work hard has helped him find success both in running and in his career as a musician (he was a finalist on American Idol and is a fantastic singer!!)

Now he’s looking to take on his first 50 miler and continuing his journey into endurance and what is possible!!

Hope you guys enjoy the episode!! Happy Thanksgiving!! Thankful for all of you for tuning in!


Website: https://clarkbeckham.com

Music Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/clarkbeckham/?hl=en

Running Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/clarkbeckhamrun/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/ClarkBeckham

MCM Article: https://www.marinemarathon.com/blog/idol-finalist-mcm


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