#171: Chef Corso — How to Cook in the Wilderness, Monty Boca

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This week is the most delicious episode of the podcast yet!! We are sitting down with Chef Corso from Monty Boca to talk all about how to cook delicious food in the wilderness.

Chef Corso is an avid hiker and backpacker based out of Seattle who is challenging the way we think about cooking food for various adventures. Most of us usually throw some oats in a bag or slap together some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and say “that’s good enough!” before heading out, viewing food as a necessity rather than a major part of the experience. Monty Boca is challenging people to use easy recipes to heighten their adventure experiences with some really good food.

This episode was definitely a bit outside the box for this podcast but I feel like cooking outside is the best way to cook and is something I, personally, need to reconnect with. I really enjoyed chatting with Chef Corso and I highly suggest you try a recipe or two of his- preferably while chilling next to a beautiful mountain stream or at a campsite surrounded by friends and loved ones!

Hope you enjoy the show this week!


Website: https://montyboca.com

Recipes: https://montyboca.com/recipes

Trail Cookbook: https://montyboca.com/shop/cookbook-orginedition

Become a Recipe Tester: https://montyboca.com/packing#recipe-tester

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/montyboca/

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmY1o_LlD99cwGog6LRVnWA