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This week’s episode is my race report from Gemini Adventures Desert RATS stage race.

Desert RATS is a 6 day stage race on the Kokopelli Trail from Fruita, Colorado to Moab, Utah.

This was one of my absolute favorite adventures I have ever experienced and I am extremely excited to share this race report for the special episode 100 of the podcast!!

Throughout this episode, I recap the event to my buddy Brady Manriquez and share a few audio clips I took during various stages of the race. We talk about the incredible group of people involved, the power of supporting each other through hard times, the bizarre thoughts you get while running a long way, how the little things add up, and the power of having a WHY and running with intention.

I hope you guys enjoy and take something away from this show. This one was not easy to record as it gets pretty personal, but I feel strongly that if it helps or encourages just one person get through a hard time it was absolutely worth it.

Next week, I’m putting together a retrospective from fellow racers and crew. It’s gonna be awesome!


Gemini Adventures: http://www.geminiadventures.com

Desert RATS registration: https://ultrasignup.com/register.aspx?did=51488

Previous race reports: https://ultrarunning.com/featured/desert-rats-kokopelli-150-stage-race-2016/


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Photo Courtesy: Glen Delman Photography