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On this week’s episode, we are celebrating Walpurisnacht, halfway to Halloween or Samhain, the night before Beltane, the night the witches gather on top of Mount Brocken in Germany and dance and revel all night. This area is famous for it’s myth and legends and I have found some good ones to share with you.


So lets get into shall we? Grab yourself a cup of tea, make sure the doors are locked, and the sage is close by. I have a story to tell you. 


Now to the Brocken the witches ride;

The stubble is gold and the corn is green; 

There is the carnival crew to be seen,

And Squire Urianus will come to preside. 

So over the valleys our company floats,

With witches a-farting on stinking old goats.

-from FAUST, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


Spotify playlist-https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1pInFjYUpZB3XSshC0dYog?si=8aa31f082b7741c1

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