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A proper, enjoyable ‘bad movie’ needs to have been made with by someone who truly believes in what they’re doing, without irony.

Cian and Ali enjoy a beer and return to the subject of their very first episode: the so-bad-they’re-good films of visionary ‘auteur’ Neil Breen. This time they finally discuss his divisive 2018 movie Twisted Pair, an effort that had them wondering whether Breen had finally become self-aware and if the game was finally up. Would Breen now become another Tommy Wiseau, incapable of delivering the unselfconscious gold of his early career? Well, the guys have been thinking about it for some time but they’ve finally decided. So take a listen to TWISTED PAIR: IS NEIL BREEN SELF-AWARE and decide for yourself.

Quote about Breen from Bad Movie Bible


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