Hey Strangeness

Hosted ByAaron & Sara Deese

(Explicit) Hey Strangeness. A podcast about some of the strangest things in life - ghosts, cryptids, conspiracies, true crime, and the unnamed horrors which dwell at the very edge of what we perceive as existence. Come hang out with us.

The SOU of UFOs (and UAPs)

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We may very well be on the precipice of a very different reality. Joining me to discuss the state of the union of unidentified arial phenomena are three of the smartest people I know – Micah Hanks, Monique Rose and Joss Rose. We discussed current events, pending hearings, new legislation and perhaps the biggest question of all – are we approaching what experts often refer to as The Singularity?

Signs point to yes.

Micah Hanks
The Debrief
The original “Grusch Article”

Fright Life Paranormal
Sirius Sabers
The Feminine Macabre – Volume 4

News links:
David Grusch News Nation Interview
Tourist captures UFO in selfie
Drone operator captures UFO in Mosul, Iraq
UFOs and humanoids in Las Vegas
UFO sighting captured from private plane