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In 1993, the world of gaming was changed forever by Doom, a fast-paced game with action and horror elements that was hugely controversial for its violent and Satanic plot. Joining Cian for a beer and a chat about the history of the game is Ian Stokes, the Wide Atlantic Weird resident IT guy. Grab yourself a brew for a conversation about the wild and woolly days of cowboy game developers, space marines and imps from Hell, connections to moral panics and school shootings, a film so bad even the Rock couldn’t save it, and a tie-in book series that turned out to be covert Mormon propaganda. Don’t put it off any longer – there are weird growling sounds coming from the interior of this episode, so charge your BFG and head inside to take on the forces of the underworld in THE SHORES OF HELL: HISTORY AND MEMORIES OF DOOM. (major thanks to Mr Stokes for the extremely thorough notes this episode!)


John Romero Dooms Development: A year of madness


Doom Cover Art Collection (Includes PC, playstation art etc)


Doom Music


Robert Prince


Notable Songs (PC)

At dooms Gate (Master Of Puppets): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cixW6rogZ48&t=0s

Adrians Asleep (Alice In Chains Angry Chair): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cixW6rogZ48&t=6861s


Aubrey Hudges (Playstation)


Notable Songs (Play Station)

Main Theme https://aubreyhodges.bandcamp.com/track/doom-playstation-main-theme

Breath of Horror: https://aubreyhodges.bandcamp.com/track/breath-of-horror-level-deimos-anomaly


RIP & Tear Comic: https://www.doomworld.com/10years/doomcomic/comic.php

PC Gamer Crapshoot Doom Novels: https://www.pcgamer.com/crap-shoot-doom-the-novels/