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We are in Scorpio season, which I love! Today’s episode will touch on the shadow side of being a spiritual entrepreneur. It is based on a question I received in the Spirit School Collective, my monthly membership, for a Business Q&A session.

Most of what I share about my business is the exciting parts of the journey. There are metrics to show that my business is successful, but I am also nine years into my development. In addition to the magic that happens, there are parts of it that are not so positive. I’ve been thinking a lot about the dichotomy we experience where we are thriving in one part of life, while consistently struggling in another.  In this episode, I am sharing some of the challenging and painful experiences on my entrepreneurship path to give a more balanced perspective on what it has entailed.

The question asked was, “I consider you successful as a business sister. You speak and do a lot of things that are very generous, and I know deeply you are a giving soul. How has that generosity of yourself healing sister wounds by supporting other women in their businesses impacted you?  And what is the return of spiritual energy for you?”


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In this episode:

  • I am not one to brag, but there are metrics to show that my business is successful
  • Things can be going so well in one area while we struggle in another
  • I have had magic unfolding as I acquire a physical space in Squamish
  • Meanwhile, I have also been slighted in the past few weeks
  • I’ve been told I make it look easy, but a lot happens behind the scenes that is not
  • I wouldn’t be able to do everything I do without my team
  • The reward and joy on this path is parallel to the problems we face
  • Like motherhood, the beauty of it is worth the hard work
  • Question (above) about my origin story of healing sister wounds
  • I share the work of students and other lightworkers with my Instagram audience
  • Lynn Tucknies credits me sharing her for being able to go full-time
  • I contract when I talk about myself in this way
  • I’m healing and getting better at seeing myself the way you see me
  • It’s not common, but I also have other mediums co-teach and interview them
  • I personally have never experienced the same generosity that I give other people
  • I’ve been ghosted when being offered opportunities for TV shows, podcasts and magazines
  • My intention for Spirit School was to create what I wish I had in my development
  • The Spirit School Collective is an ecosystem that is supportive and non-competitive
  • I have always had a long-term vision for my legacy
  • My hope is that people who thrive in my spaces recreate that in their own communities
  • One of my core values is reciprocity, which is lacking in this space
  • I have a large and engaged audience who are drawn to my open way of sharing
  • It has taken a lot of healing for me to work on my not enoughness
  • My husband pointed out that my first mentor was taking advantage of me
  • The pattern is that I do a lot for people and then am discarded
  • Now that I am in a place of influence, people take advantage and don’t reciprocate
  • After being on my podcast, bigger names haven’t shared it or talked to me again
  • Recently, a guest I had on requested for their episode to air right away 
  • I worked hard on making the episode interesting because I knew it would be a struggle
  • When it came time to interview me, they provided no context and were scrolling on their phone
  • They cut the interview short and said they would reschedule and then didn’t respond to me
  • At first, I was too busy with the realtor and Spirit School for it to bother me
  • I later realized how rude it was and have been unpacking my experience with mutuals
  • I don’t feel threatened and have accepted that my audience may work with guests instead of me
  • What is mine will not pass me, so I do not have scarcity in this work
  • Spirit School is part of a vision to change the space of lightworking and mediumship
  • People in the membership don’t act like that, and it is not an energetic match for those who do
  • I feel that I am meant to be self-made without someone to help my career take off
  • I desire for people coming after me to have a more collaborative experience
  • I may never get to see the ripple effect that I have but that’s okay
  • The return I receive is having people ask these questions and notice the difference
  • I am not healed, but issues of worthiness and heartbreak have less influence over time
  • I’ve always had a drive to work for what I wanted despite any obstacles
  • Situations like this make me want to promote others and share the light more
  • It has been the most magical month, but there has been an equal amount of negative too
  • Declare that you will thrive, even in the shadow
  • Ignore vanity metrics and focus on the audience you have now