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The Horrific Dugald Train Disaster
This week is a very, very sad episode. Our Audio Curators, Jas and Sher, discuss that pivotal night September 1st 1947 in Dugald Manitoba which is infamously known as the Dugald Train Derailment.

Through an error of timing two locomotives from opposite directions smashed head-on, killing 31 people. It traumatized the survivors, and mentally scarred the area residents that tried to come to the aid of the burning, dying and screaming passengers. At the time it was Canada’s worst railway disaster; still the worst in Manitoba history.

But then again, the victims of the crash may still be roaming the rail area in the afterlife, searching for loved ones not realizing they themselves have passed. A tragedy that lives on in a sequence of residual hauntings; apparitions, smell of kerosene and thundering noises of locomotives colliding in the night…..for eternity.

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Winnipeg’s FIRST and ONLY Paranormal Podcast.