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Come in, come in!

Welcome to LEMP MANSION!  Built in 1868 and still standing in St Louis MO only blocks away from what remains of the LEMP BREWERY.  Both buildings are rich with history, scandal, tragedy and secrets– and we got to stay there.

This episode is ALL about the Lemp family.  William J. Lemp and his wife Julia, along with their eight children- Billy, Louis, Frederick, Charles, Hilda, Edwin and Elsa- deserve to be remembered for who they were- flawed people who loved each other, loved to party and loved their home.

“The curse of the Lemp Mansion” is something I’d heard about my whole life- but was there any truth to it?  Was the home, family or brewery really cursed?  Or is life just freaking hard sometimes?

Take a listen to this episode to get the WHOLE SCOOP on this family as well as some of the rumors (substantiated & unsubstantiated) surrounding them before you listen to “Spirits, Spectres & Solitude”: our paranormal investigation that took place inside the home.