Hey Strangeness

Hosted ByAaron & Sara Deese

(Explicit) Hey Strangeness. A podcast about some of the strangest things in life - ghosts, cryptids, conspiracies, true crime, and the unnamed horrors which dwell at the very edge of what we perceive as existence. Come hang out with us.

Strange Conversations: Lindsey Brisbine of The Chilling

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In the Season 2 premier of Strange Conversations, I sat down with Lindsey Brisbine to discuss past and present paranormal activity, behind the scenes of The Chilling and the future of the show (amongst other things). Be sure to follow Lindsey on Instagram @thechillingpodcast and thechillingpodcast.com, and if you haven’t listened to The Chilling, you’ll want to do that pretty much as soon as you’re done with this interview.

CONTENT WARNINGS: This episode contains profanity and discussion of unfriendly, potentially demonic spiritual entities. Discretion advised.