Podcast UFO

Hosted ByMartin Willis

Podcast UFO is place where you can listen to audio podcasts about UFOs, close encounters and people associated with the UFO phenomenon. Witnesses involved in such things as sightings, views on cover-ups and more. Listeners are welcome to interact with guests, visit the website to find out how.
Shows are recorded live on YouTube stream every Wednesday evening, 8:00 to 10:00PM EST.

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All Episodes

539. Sgt. Mario Woods [ret.]

Spread the loveGuest, Mario Woods is back to discuss in detail...

538. Dean Alioto

Spread the loveDean Alioto is back for a conversation with Martin...

AudioBlog: A UFO Crash in Aurora, Texas?

Spread the loveIn last week’s blog, we looked at researcher/investigator Hayden Hewes...

537. Curt Jaimungal

Spread the loveGuest Curt Jaimungal of Theories of Everything joins us...

537. John Ramirez, CIA [ret] PART 2

Spread the loveA follow-up with guest, John Ramirez who reveals fascinating...

535. Avi Loeb

Spread the loveReturn guest, Harvard Astrophysicist Avi Loeb discusses the new...

534. Charles Lear

Spread the loveBack again is Podcast UFO’s longtime blogger and author...

531. Dr. David Clarke, Calvine Photo

Spread the loveGuest Dr. David Clarke speaks on his recent uncovering...