Bring On The Weird

Hosted ByElijah & Will

(Explicit) Elijah and Will are just a couple of harmless guys digging into weird things they don't know much about and trying to figure out what the hell is happening in the world outside of their homes. Do they get things wrong? Without a doubt! Are they learning from their mistakes? Not anytime soon. Is this crap entertaining? Their wives claim they're entertained and if they're entertained does anyone else really matter? Listen in as they dive into all manners of subjects as they Bring On The Weird.

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32 – Parallel Universes

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You know somewhere in a different universe we’re shedding a bright light on all these subjects we cover. Not in this universe though! Here we still have our trusty dim bulb and it’s dim light.

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30 – Mandela Effects

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So Nelson Mandela died in prison in the 1980’s….Oh wait no that’s not right he didn’t die until 2013. What is going on? The dim bulb is flickering it’s dim light in just as much confusion as we are.

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28 – Hollow Earth Part 2

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We’re taking our dim bulb and shining it’s little dim light on crazy mirages in the Arctic. Or were they mirages? We’re also going to Antarctica with Operation Highjump. Was all that necessary for some research? Then we’re headed back to the North Pole immediately after Operation Highjump with Admiral Richard E. Byrd and his alleged trip into the Hollow Earth and what he encountered there. — Support this podcast:

26 – Hollow Earth Part 1

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If we walk with our dim bulb and shine that dim light long enough and far enough down into the Mammoth Caves in Kentucky we might just end up in the mega sized inner world known as Hollow Earth.

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24 – Flat Earth

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Man, the dim light coming from our dim bulb is shining with a different perspective this week. If you’ve been taught one way your whole life you really have to break your brain to understand how things work on a Flat Earth. The explanations seem to be a little out there, but they feel feasible.

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22 – Snowden & The Illusion Of Privacy

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The government can see each and every time we turn the dim light on our dim bulb, especially if it’s coming from the tracking devices we carry around with us all of the time! Edward Snowden brought a bright light to the subject of American citizens and generally the world not having complete privacy. The price he paid to give the world this knowledge is to be exiled in Russia. The thing is…what are we supposed to do with this information?

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21 – Black Eyed Kids (Creepy Stories Vol. 5)

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For the final installment of the Creepy Stories for 2019 we’re not taking any chances so we’re shining the dim light of our dim bulb in the faces of all the children to reveal what kind of eyes they have. If we can see their sclera, then they’re ok, fella. If the eyes are as black as night, it’s time to kick in fight or flight.

This is the last ad supported Bonus Episode for the time being. The bonus Friday episodes from now on will be Patreon Exclusive. That means there will be no ad. Plus the $5 tier will also get you the main episode ad free and one day early.

To see all the other reward tiers we have go to:

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20 – 11 Herbs And Legends

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Our dim light shines extra dim on this delicious list of Urban Legends. We knew what we wanted to call this episode so we knew we wanted to hit on 11 of them, but then we didn’t mention a single herb during the episode. So we associated each of the Legends with herbs here in the show notes.

Black dog 1 – Basil

Bloody Mary 2 – Bayberry

The Babysitter and the Man Upstairs 3 – Thyme

Kuchisaki Owna 4 – Oregano

Under the Bed 5 – Valerian

Blind Maiden 6 – Burnet

The Black Volga 7 – Turmeric

Soap Sally 8 – Sage

Slender Man 9 – Stevia

Tanning Lotion 10 – Tulsi

Fan Death 11 – Foxglove

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19 – Creepy Stories Vol. 4

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The dim light of our dim bulb shines from below our chins for the fourth volume of our Creepy Stories.

Will’s story comes from the free for use stories on

From Reddit user BeardedBamboozle and is titled [TRUE] Night Shift In A Care Home

Elijah’s tales are Urban Legends passed down over time.

Human’s Can Lick Too

The Clown Statue

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18 – Shadow People

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No matter how hard we tried the dim light from our dim bulb could not penetrate the deep dark blacker than black that are Shadow People. What are they? Where do they come from? How do they do what they do? We don’t have answers, but we have lots of crazy ideas.

Are you plagued by these inorganic beings? You can try some of the methods we address, specifically by staying positive in a such a negative moment.

You could also let us know your experience at

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17 – Creepy Stories Vol. 3

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Once again the dim light of our dim bulb shines from below our chins for another edition of our Creepy Stories.

These stories are free to use from

Will’s stories come from Reddit user TwilightDreamer87 and are titled [TRUE] My Parent’s Haunted House and [TRUE] There is something in my sister’s room.

Elijah’s stories come from Reddit users madpatriot82 and DarkRayvyn and are titled [True] Ghost Soldier in Class A’s and My Brother is Missing and No-one Care but Me

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16 – Why didn’t Vincent Li Wendigo to prison?

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Come with us as we take our dim bulb and shine it’s dim light through some Algonquin folklore. We’ll carry it through the woods of Minnesota and up into Edmonton, Alberta, Canada where we’ll meet Tim McLean a 22 year old carnival worker who simply wanted to ride the Greyhound bus home to Winnipeg. Unfortunately he met an untimely demise by the hands…and stomach of Vincent Li. Bus Rage does happen!Was Vincent acting on an impulse from the spirit of a Wendigo? Perhaps Tim was turning Wendigo and only Vincent knew it. The more likely possibility is Vincent is just a damaged individual who NOW WALKS FREE UNDER THE NAME OF WILL BAKER!!!!— Support this podcast:

15 – Pumpkin Spice Horror Stories (Creepy Stories Vol. 2)

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We’re shining the dim light of our dim bulb from under our chins for a couple more Creepy Stories. We’re calling these Pumpkin Spice Horror Stories, because why not?

These stories are free to use from

Elijah’s story comes from Reddit user makkolv and is titled [TRUE] The Grinning Man

Will’s story comes from Reddit user buffy1973 and is titled In My Room (True Story)

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14 – Mothman

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This week we’re taking the dim light of our dim bulb to Point Pleasant, West Virginia to do a little investigation on a creature that was spotted throughout the 13 months leading up to a major disaster in the area on November 15th, 1966.

I bet our dim light would be enough to light up the large red eyes of The Mothman!

After some investigation, maybe The Mothman isn’t what he’s reported to be. Could he be an Angel of Warning or perhaps a Demon of Doom? Or just the imagination doing what it does.

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13 – Creepy Stories Vol. 1

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We’re shining the dim light of our dim bulb from under our chins for a couple of Creepy Stories.

These stories are free to use from

Will’s story comes from Reddit user JoeDog93 and is titled Diary Of A Downward Spiral

Elijah’s story comes from Reddit user BeyondScaredDeath and is titled The Girl In The Mirror

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12 – A Little This A Little That Vol. 2

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The dim light from our dim bulb flickers on several things this week. Remember those Pepsi points? That was just too much work.

Who wants to go to Dawson City in Canada to try the Sourtoe Cocktail? “You can drink it fast, you can drink it slow, but your lips must touch the toe.”

Did that woman abandon her 11 year old adopted daughter or did she bail on a 22 year old woman with dwarfism?

#PodRaid what is that about?

Tardigrades crashed on the moon?

Ace of Base has Nazi ties?

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11 – Operation Paperclip

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We’re taking our dim bulb back to World War 2. In particular the dim light is shining on the last few months of the war. The allies have just learned the German scientists were working on some incredibly atrocious experiments involving humans under Hitler’s regime. What were the allies to do with all these brilliant people who had little to no regard for people outside of their own nationality? Why employ them of course! That’s not going to be easy it’ll have to be done under some sort of secret operation…oh but hurry! The Russians are coming!

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10 – Simulation Hypothesis

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Is our dim bulb and it’s dim light even real? It’s real to us, but maybe there’s a greater dim bulb with a greater dim light. We’re talking about the Simulation Hypothesis this week. If we look close enough can we perceive our pixels? Maybe objects near and far only render or appear when we’re looking at them. Are you a Non-Player Character (NPC) or do you have more 1s than 0s in your bits? Tell us about NPCs in your life.

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09 – Unit 731

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We’re taking our dim bulb and shining it’s dim light on what seems to be a lesser known true life horror story for the ages. Unit 731 was a group of scientists and researchers studying and developing biological weapons before and during World War 2. Effects and repercussions of these weapons would last years after the war. The entire unit and its many sub units were ultimately led by Shiro Ishii. It appears as though this human being had very little if any compassion for his fellow humans. The tests and experiments Unit 731 performed were done on living breathing human beings!

Dig down this rabbit hole of misery yourselves

The Devil’s Doctors by Mark Felton

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08 – A Little This A Little That Vol. 1

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The dim bulb flickers upon a little this and a little that this week. Combustion alone isn’t going to get us flying among the stars. Elijah loves himself some Victory Beer. Price tags on people’s parts!?! The Earth is definitely older than the calendar. Do you know about Epic Rap Battles? The debate is on about donating our body parts to family or science. 4D movies could be fun! Could there be someone standing next to you right now that you couldn’t see, because humans can barely see things in the light spectrum? Minimalist language rolls us into some NWO talk. Do we get our own planet when we die?

Tom DeLonge, we want to talk to you about To The Stars Academy Of Arts & Science, your metametal, and anything else that’s running around your brain!!!

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