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Chimeras are a part of mythology; these creatures were part goat, lion, and serpent. A “Griffin” is the most well-known chimera of mythology. There are also chimera-like creatures that are spoken of in the Bible such as the Lion Men of Moab. A few days ago, China announced a breakthrough in genetic research where a monkey was injected with cells that would make it glow to help identify whether or not the additional cells had multiplied. The long-tailed macaque’s cells were made from an embryo injected with other genetically distinct cells. The secrets of the creation process are revealing themselves and perhaps it is time we realize that there may be a halfway point between the romanticism of the religious story of creation and the scientific method in which creation manifests and data confirms. Tonight on Ground Zero, Clyde Lewis talks about PUPPY MONKEY BABY – WHY SO SERIAL? #GroundZero #ClydeLewis #Chimera #Genetics #Cells


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