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Gary Pilnick, the CEO of Kelloggs, has drawn backlash after recently suggesting that families with strained finances could cope by eating “cereal for dinner.” Food prices have soared in recent years and millions of Americans are trying to cut costs anywhere they can, however, telling people they should eat cereal as an alternative to poverty is actually exploiting the idea of repugnancy for lesser people. Many of these processed food items contain GMOs, artificial additives, insect parts, and weed killer, glyphosate. Let the peasants eat flakes – the bugs and the lab meats will follow as Bidenomics continues to eat up the income of the average American household. Tonight on Ground Zero (7-10pm, pacific time), Clyde Lewis talks with integrative medical practitioner, Dr. Jason West about CEREAL KILLER – LET THEM EAT FLAKES.

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