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The Earth and the Matrix in which we live are a product of chaos and have been formed as a seemingly perfect living space for the human race. However, through the work of the chaotic Master Trickster, it has become the home to the Fallen Ones — a host of haunting figures that seem to manifest from dark archetypes. One particular character that plagues men in their dreams is the Dark Lady — Lady In Black or Lady Death. The Latinos call her Santa Muerte – a female folk saint whose popularity in Mexico and the United States is spreading rapidly; from being practically unheard of at the end of the 20th century to being worshiped by several million people today. Why is this occult-based subset of Catholicism, also known as Holy Death, so popular? Tonight on Ground Zero, Clyde Lewis talks with podcast host and occult researcher, Laura Lavender about NEVERMORE. #GroundZero #ClydeLewis #SantaMuerte #Occult


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