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Within the Black Lodge, there are beings known as the Dark Custodians – they are the Secret Chiefs who hold their positions near the Abyss. The Black Lodge and its opposing counterpart, the White Lodge, originated in ancient legends passed down by the Nez Perce tribes who once inhabited the Twin Peaks region. It appears that the Black Lodge is the synarchy involved with the Great Reset and they are the Protectors of the Great Secret which would elevate a Master Mason to the position of Pontifex Mundi. This dark organization is perhaps the most mysterious group in all of magick, and that’s saying something since magick is replete with secret orders and secret societies. Nevertheless, they are the most heavily concealed and by their nature, most subversive. Tonight on Ground Zero, Clyde Lewis talks with Allen Greenfield and Olav Philips about JABOULON – CONTROL OF THE BLACK LODGE.
#GroundZero #ClydeLewis #TheBlackLodge #Jaboulon
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