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by Six96
https://www.creepypastascarystories.com/creepypasta/ spooky-scary-story-about-a-demonic-horse
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The Order’s Theme by Myuu
Abyss by Myuu

Unlike regular horror audiobooks, this scary stories podcast is in a storytelling format like the shows Outer Limits, Night Gallery, or The Twilight Zone or the old radio shows Bela Lugosi’s Mystery House, Inner Sanctum Mysteries, or Bradbury 13. Unlike a video performance, it is a place where you can put on your headphones and zone out while listening to spooky, scary stories either written by Spooky Boo Rhodes or by other authors from the deep zones of the internet. Some stories have a Lovecratian type theme or maybe Stephen King while others are similar to Ray Bradbury or Dean Koontz. You might even find a bit of Poe or Ghotic stories here in the spooky weird dimension of Sandcastle, California.

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