S5 Ep5: Christmas (2019)

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We may be away, but we couldn’t miss our Christmas Eve special!

There is no blg post this week (despite what the audio says), so visit Facebook to vote for if you think tonight’s tale was adapted from fact or a pure work of fiction. 

This is ‘Christmas’

#GhostStories #Christmas #SpookySanta #SpookyPodcast #ChristmasEve #ADoYouBelieveInGhosts #ParanormalPodcast

Music (in order of appearance):

  • “Deserted City” – Kai Engel (https://freemusicarchive.org/music/KaiEngel/Atlantida/KaiEngelAtlantida06DesertedCity)
  • All other music credited to Myuu, check out his YouTube channel for some great compositions (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiSKnkKCKAQVxMUWpZQobuQ)