S2:E01 | Uncanny Exorcisms & Cases of Demonic Possession | Deals With The Devil, Blood Covenants & Witchcraft

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Welcome back to The Freaky Deaky! Season 2 is in full effect, and we’re starting things off with a bang! Demonic possession is no new concept. Rumors of alleged possession cases have been whispered in hushed tones, echoing through the halls of history, spanning the depths of time, and woven throughout religious cultures all around the world. Although the word “exorcism” may stir up a very particular mental picture for you today, ripe with vivid imagery imprinted on your mind from popular movies such as The Exorcist or The Conjuring film franchise, tales of exorcisms can be found all throughout human history. In the 1850’s, thirty-thousand cuneiform tablets and fragments were excavated from the site of Assyrian King Ashurbanipal’s royal library in Ninevah. Among the legal and historical texts, many of the tablets described medical and magical practices, including that of the exorcism.



Do you have an experience with the Paranormal? Ever been abducted by Extraterrestrials, or had a 1-on-1 slap fight with Bigfoot himself? We want to hear about it! Submit your stories to be featured in our Listener Story episodes. Email Your Experience to thegang@thefreakydeaky.com, or leave a message on the dedicated TFD Voicemail Line by calling 801-997-0051.


Sources From Today’s Episode:

Real Demonic Possessions & Exorcisms by Zachary Knowles

I Conjur Thee Thou Old Serpent by Joseph P. Laycock


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The Freaky Deaky:

If you’re new to the show, Welcome! The Freaky Deaky focuses on true accounts of the paranormal, the unexplained, and all things FREAKY. Hosted by 3 friends that offer wildly differing opinions on some of life’s greatest mysteries. Whether you’re a believer in the stories shared on this podcast, a paranormal agnostic, or a full-fledged skeptic that thinks the experiences shared within are nothing more than fabrications of an overactive mind, we hope you enjoy your time with us. The truth is, nobody knows anything. No matter what your beliefs may be, everyone is welcome in The Freaky Deaky, and we’re making an effort to prove that you can believe different things without spreading hatred to those that disagree with you. Leave your ego at the door, open your mind, and enjoy your stay here in The Freaky Deaky! Recorded in Beautiful Wasilla, Alaska.