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SPOILER ALERT: we discuss It: Chapters 1 & 2 for about fifteen minutes so skip through if you haven’t seen either movie yet and don’t want them to be ruined (starting around 40 minutes in).

Assistant to the Regional Manager, Stu, has confirmed the “chupacabra” does indeed translate as goat, meaning Georgia is right, though the creature itself does not discriminate between live stock.

We also confirmed that a female juggalo is known as a juggalette.

Sonjay also calls Georgia both dramatic and scary. How rude.

Finally, when Georgia says Joseph Campbell “helped” with Star Wars, she means that George Lucas attributes his finishing the story to Campbell’s work.

Some Punch and Judy action: https://youtu.be/Z2ANMKeroi4

Doctor Who Punch snippet: https://youtu.be/px_IrvjOyXI

Here’s a Crash Course on tricksters of world mythology: https://youtu.be/RW1ChiWyiZQ

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Shout out to Marshall at Maja Island Music for our awesome intro.
Check them out:
Insta: MajaIslandMusic
Website: majaislandmusic.com

Stay tuned for those tours Sonjay promised of our personal lives, as well more info about our Call of Cthulhu bonus content!