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Disclaimer: Sonjay reveals a lot about his sex life in this episode, especially when we get to eat torture. He also tells Vlad the Impaler to fuck himself. Ballsy…speaking of balls… truck nuts! Why are we talking about them? Tune in to find out.

Let us know if you want to witness us playing horror movie drinking games. We can gift you with some bonus material.

Nobody Expects the Spanish Inquisition: https://youtu.be/FAxkcPoLYcQ
Trump Hissing: https://youtu.be/X0wcSArPQb4

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IG: @broadcastfromthebelfry
FB: Broadcast from the Belfry
Twitter: @BelfryBroadcast
Email: broadcastfromthebelfry@gmail.com

Shout out to Marshall at Maja Island Music for our awesome intro.
Check them out:
Insta: MajaIslandMusic
Website: majaislandmusic.com

Stay tuned for those tours Sonjay promised of our personal lives, as well more info about our Call of Cthulhu bonus content!