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TW: foul language, religion, apocalyptic imagery

I’m a loner, Weirdo. A rebel. And you are entering KEEP IT WEIRD: the podcast for all things strange & unusual. We get together every other week and chat about SOMETHING WEIRD and of course this week is no exception.

We are SINGING OUR PRAISES, we are ALIGNING OUR CHAKRAS and we are SPEAKING IN TONGUES this episode is ALL about religion.

Ashley starts us off with one of our favorite segments WHAT IF GOD WAS ONE OF US as we learn all about the RAPTURE. What it is, when it was created and how it differs from what is *actually* in the bible. Ruh Roh.

Lauren takes us into a WHERE IN THE WORLD IS KEEP IT WEIRD GOING and the answer to that question…. is Utah. Utah in the 1930’s to be exact, when Mary Ogden brought her spiritualist movement to a hollow rock in the middle of freaking no where and things got weird.

Check out some links below if you want to know more about the topics we discussed on today’s episode.

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Rapture Rapture Read All About It








 Marie’s Place aka HOME OF TRUTH

