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Today’s episode plays with a person’s mind and stirs the imagination, because…..it’s there but it’s not there. And what exactly is it hiding?
– Ecto Mist & Fog!

‘Fog is simply Nature’s warning that something paranormal is about happen’ ~ Benjamin & Aron from The Mysterious Universe Podcast.

Our Audio Curators, Jas and Sher dive into the paranormal phenomena this week because they love to discuss what truly creeps them out & hopes that you gives you the shivers!!!
Also, listen for them on ‘Beaver Does Movies’ podcast soon, as they ladies sit down and watch (if they can stomach) a bad horror movie of James’ choice then critique! Nothing scarier than a bad movie!

For more information on our podcast, or if you have a story to share or would like to just get in touch with us, shoot us an email at givinguptheghostpodcast@gmail.com

Please check us out on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram! Show us the Ghost Love & Tell a friend and follow/like/share our pages with the cool kids – there’s no pressure like peer pressure!

Winnipeg’s FIRST and ONLY Paranormal Podcast.