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Ramblesode Demon Conjuring Games NOT to Play

Jas and Sher, love the unknown but there is a fine line. They know that there are tools to use as a conduit to connect with the dearly departed however be certain when you use such tools it just acts as a gateway for all spirits to enter, not just those you are searching for. Its like a door that should never be open. Like Ouiji Boards- very unpredictable.

This week, the first official episode of the new year, Jas and Sher, our audio curators discover those harmless ‘childhood’ games designed to connect with demons…..supposedly. DO NOT Try these games at home, but if you have, please let us know what happened!

For more information on our podcast, or if you have a story to share or would like to just get in touch with us, shoot us an email at givinguptheghostpodcast@gmail.com

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Winnipeg’s FIRST and ONLY Paranormal Podcast.