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This week’s episode, our audio curators Jas and Sher discuss the legend of Skin Walkers! Possibly the creepiest topic covered to date and the perfect Ramblesode to start off Halloween week.
This week we will release an episode every night leading up to our Halloween Special – ‘Get the F*%# Out of My House’ airing Thursday, October 31. This is a continuation to true stories of firsthand experiences of people living in haunted Winnipeg Houses.

But today, sit back…..keep the lights on and try not to get too creeped out on learning more about the Navajo legend that is told of Navajo witches that can take on the form or shape of another animal for the type of job they have planned. It’s usually carried out by an evil witch that practices dark arts and is paid to bring harm onto another by any means necessary.
It is said they prowl the forest and on occasion can be heard crying out – freaking anyone unfortunate enough to be in the vicinity and quickly leave the area as the screams are not that of a human or an animal.
WARNING THIS TOPIC IS NOT FOR THE FAINT OF HEART DESCRETION IS ADVISED* if you are brave enough there is supposedly actual videos and stories on this subject on You Tube if you dare!

For more information on our podcast, or if you have a story to share or would like to just get in touch with us, shoot us an email at givinguptheghostpodcast@gmail.com
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Winnipeg’s FIRST and ONLY Paranormal Podcast.