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Ramblesode: Alien Blood (aka RH Negative)

Have you heard of it? Do you have RH Negative Blood? It really is a strange topic. To think that among all the different blood types there are 4; A-, B-, AB-, and O- that is so different, the consequences are deadly! If you have this type of blood and try to have a child with someone who has Positive blood, your blood could look at your fetus as foreign and attack it as a threat.

This is partly the reason why 50 and 60 or more years ago why people had to take a blood test before they got married.

Sometimes it is referred to as the ‘Bloodline of the Gods’, as some believe that RH Negative types are a result of extraterrestrials tampering with human genetics.

HOWEVER without going on with all the Conspiracy theories ( there are plenty of websites, forums and podcasts that handle that portion) Jas and Sher, your Audio Curators, discuss in this ‘Quickie’ episode, the different aspects, rarity and personality traits, known of with having RH negative blood.

As well we start the New Year with NEW copyright free Intro and Outro Music by Ruesche-Sounds

Stay safe & Stay at home
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Winnipeg’s FIRST and ONLY Paranormal Podcast.