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First off, I love you all! Truly I am so appreciative of each and every listener of the Spirit School podcast! Thank you for your support! 

In this episode, I share the evolution of how I have and do prepare for mediumship readings. This has evolved as often as my mediumship style has, and it’s important you find for yourself what works for you! 

I share here my journey to finding what works best for me! There is no right or wrong way, just the way that allows you to connect with Spirit confidently and with ease! Play with it! try a bunch of things! HAVE FUN above all else! 


Instagram Tag me when you share this show!  www.instagram.com/squamishmedium   


The Language of Spirit! Complete this quiz to find out how Spirit speaks to you!

Quiz! https://daniellesearancke.typeform.com/to/Z1te8o   


Course: https://myspiritschool.com/p/the-language-of-spirit