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In 2017, Sheena received a download, from Spirit, that she was to become an interfaith minister. Having never really subscribed to any one religion, it had never occurred to Sheena to get ordained…even though she had often been asked to perform clerical duties, for weddings, memorial services, etc. Not knowing what the next step might be, a miracle gift came from the Universe, when she was introduced to Brian Carroll, the president of American Trinity University, after a speaking engagement, in Hollywood, on behalf of her RaisingTheVibration.org movement. Brian, moved by Sheena’s talk, earlier that day, accepted her into the ordination program, at his institution, which was founded on the teachings of The Great Books of the Western World and whose ideology falls where knowledge/education meet faith/enlightenment.

So, on August 29, 2017, she officially became a minister and deacon, at ATU…the beginning of an amazing new path and, undeniably, her destiny. Then, in 2019, Sheena was asked by Keith Mozingo, the senior pastor, at the Founders church of the MCC (Metropolitan Community Church) movement, to join their clerical staff and to design an interfaith event for FMCC.org, which has become their monthly SaturdayNightSpiritual.com service. She now also delivers messages of peace and love, all around Southern California, guest pastoring at: the Unitarian Universalist Church of the Verdugo Hills, MCC United Church of Christ in the Valley and the Lavender Effect’s Virtual Pride Parade.