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Professional Intuitive – Medium. Van Doren is blessed with a myriad of gifts. Her abilities include Clairaudience, Clairsentience, and Clairvoyance, her most common CLAIRS. In other words, like a radio, she picks up on frequencies and can deliver the ¨music¨ or intuitive messages meant to be heard by YOU. Once she guides you into finely tuning in to the right channel step by step, she works with you using tools and exercises where you notice the immediate shift taking place within you. She helps you understand the dormant guidance within you but brings to the light of your consciousness, which your inner core feels unclear. Using psychometry, Van Doren uses angel messages, tarot cards, pendulum, and remote viewing. She is also a skilled dream interpreter and receives angelic messages. Regardless of your situation or questions, trust that Van Doren´s decades of experience and sharpened insight will help you with your own needs